
Bodo Buzz: 11 Questions stupid white men want to bait even bigger iditos with or about oder so

Dear Bodo.




What the hell????

It's like a plague.

I don't even know what a "Buzzfeed" is supposed to be ... and yet, it follows me around like that thing in "It Follows" ... it keeps stalking you, looking like a naked grandma ... and when it catches you, it fucks you to death.

Who the fuck are those people? Why are they asking stupid shit all the time? Where are my pants? WHY DO I SPEAK ENGLISH ALL OF THE SUDDEN???
So many questions, so little sense.

All right, whatever. I can ask spupid things, too. 

so, in a Bodo-exclusive ... I proudly present to you ...


  1. Do you really think arrogant interrogations like this gonna solve any problems for you?
  2. Can you tell the difference between a debate and a mockery?
  3. Is there any other way for us to settle our problems besides pulling each others pubic hair out while screaming "LIES MAKE BABY JESUS CRY!" ?
  4. Why do you keep racism alive by continuously blabbering about racial clishes?
  5. Why do you keep sexism alive by continuously blabbering about sexist clishes?
  6. Are you in love with me? No? So ... we ain't gonna fuck ... like, at all? WHY FOR MY MOM'S BLOODY VIGINA'S SAKE DO I HAVE TO KNOW ALL ABOUT YOUR DAMN GENDER/SEXUAL ORIENTATION THEN? 
  7. Biological fact: only women birth men. The creature who gives life to a demon must be the devil itself, woulnd't you agree?
  8. Nature is brutal. Life is hard and annoying and hurtful and sometimes really awesome ... but it NEVER is "safe". Why are you all so obsessed with "safety", the biggest illusion since "free will"?
  9. If my God beats your God at chess, will you be killed by your God in anger or by my God in cockiness? And what would be the difference from your point of view? 
  10. If there would be undeniable proof of God's existence and almightyness and him indeed creating us all and he'd show up and order us to immediately kill all children OR ELSE ... should we follow his order? If so, why?
  11. I have been called "ugly", "fat", "stupid", "lazy", "asshole", "lazy asshole", "cock-sucker", "Nazi", "fuck face", "faggot", "motherfucker" and a LOT of other colorful words throughout my life, surprisingly often without any provocation or comprehensible context. Why do you think ... YOU OF ALL PEOPLE ... that you don't deserve something equivalent? Think you're better than me??? HUH?!?

A reply is requested.


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